Read a joke on the internet yesterday; “A Greek, an Irish, a
Spaniard and a German go to a pub and have a fun time… at the end of the party,
the Greek, Irish and the Spaniard put up their hands for not having money and
finally it was up to the German to clear up the mess”. Doesn’t sound funny
right? The joke in fact is that this is the scenario that is currently running
across most of Europe as it looks down the barrel of the financial crisis that
has the potential to threaten every single country.
It is funny in a lot of ways that the most powerful and
resilient economy in Europe today is one which has actually experienced some
serious political turmoil, change of guard, partition and unification all over
the last century. Germany has been subject to paying up for the wars in Europe
and has seen inflation that has been just mind boggling during the Depression.
In the recent past, Germany has faced the difficult balancing act of offsetting
debts of a low industrialized East German economy in the 90’s. Yet again, it is
Germany which is having to so a salvage – this time it is most of Europe.
So where did Europe go wrong?
Through the ages, Europe has always been a restless baby.
They have fought for power and control within the bounds of the continent or
its colonies. It is not uncommon that while Europe made the best out of the
Industrial Revolution, the monarchies never really allowed any country to have
the relations that kept trading easy to do. It was the post-war Europe where
countries finally allied for better relations in trade and removal of tariffs
at many levels that got them back on track.
The end of the cold war and the unification of Germany in
1989 gave the idea of a unified free trading and economic zone of Europe as a
whole a firm rooting. A common currency, the Euro gave a lot of member nations
a tough time marking their own currencies at parity. But this was just a hiccup
as in the long run, it ensured that now every member nation had easier access
to resources and facilities in better developed nations and also borrow finances
to fuel their economic development.
Sadly, this was the space where most countries have got it
wrong. When taking a bank loan, we are always asked to issue a collateral or
bring in a guarantor to support. It is a
further must for the two to be presented if your own credit rating is weak. The
smaller countries like Greece were never in a shape to manage their global
debts against their own incomes (usually taxes). But with easy access to global
finance and backed by the fact that they are a part of Euro, borrowings
increased beyond manageable levels. Public spending on government funded
projects, pensions, tax waiver and all kind of populist policies have meant the
money borrowed is never coming back.
It wasn’t surprising that when the slow down hit the world
in 2008, it was the smaller economies in Europe that had money either invested
or borrowed from the US went down. With United Kingdom not a part of Euro and
France playing a second fiddle; it was up to Germany to assume the role of big
brother and pull up the debt of all these failed economies. But not without
conditions towards imposing austerity measures to be implemented by the
countries failing to bear its own debt.
But this is easier said than done. When Government
implements measures to cut down spends, it means that people are likely to lose
jobs, spend less and in turn end up paying lesser taxes. Less tax means the
government earns less and cannot repay its debt. What this means is that even
with stronger economies in the Euro picking up the tabs and bad debts, this
cycle might not end. This is a space where today we have 17 countries linked by
a common currency and trade agreements – but the political will, tax structure
and the ways to earn an income and spend are vastly different among the member
The Utopian plan would be a uniform currency, tax policy and
governance style across the member nations – which is definitely unpopular on a
political front. But one thing for sure, the vicious cycle of debt ridden
economies has begun. People are going to have a tough time and recoveries are
going to be slow and harsh. As for the immediate, someone is going to have to
step in and pick up the tab for all of Europe.